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Here at iSportsDigest, we are continuing to search the web to add new sports sites. We also have links to sports news sites, where you can get the latest sports headlines, sports scores, and the latest update on you favorite team, no matter where they are in the world.  We've even got links to sites where you can get coupons to sports drinks,  nutritional supplements and even grocery items! Please be sure to check back for the latest news, and to see how we have grown!

NEW! NEW! NEW! We've just added a "Scoreboard" page. On this page, we've got links to the latest scores for the most popular sports. Its the one place where you can get all the scores in just moments! To visit the Scoreboard, just click the link on the Menu to the left. 
You can follow the opening of the 2009 MLB season on the Scoreboard. The latest scores are just 2 clicks away! Just click to the Scoreboard page, and then click on a link under "MLB Baseball Scores".

To access the main Sports Directory, just click the word "Sports Directory"  below. For a shortcut, click the link in the Menu to the left.
  • American Center of Krasnodar



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