- Badminton Club of the Bay Area
- Badminton Club of the District of Columbia
- Badminton Oregon State (BOS)
- Catonsville Badminton Club
- Colby Badminton
- Fiederball Izeb
- Flint Badminton Club
- Harvard Badminton Club
- Haverford College Badminton Club
- Hawley & Arbourfield Badminton Club
- Hilltop Badminton Club
- Howard University Badminton Club
- Hurst Badminton Club
- Illini Badminton Intercollegiate Sports Club
- Le Logis Woluwé Badminton Club
- MIT Badminton Club
- Mendocino Badminton Club
- Orange County Badminton Club
- Peninsula Badminton Club
- Phoenix Badminton Club
- Purdue Badminton Club
- Ruskin Badminton Club
- San Gabrial Valley Badminton Club
- Serra High School Badminton
- Siriraj Relation Badminton Club
- Stony Brook Badminton Club
- UMBC Badminton
- University of California - Davis
- University of Chicago Badminton
- University of Cincinnati Badminton
- University of Maryland Badminton Club
- University of Texas Badminton Club
- University of Wisconsin Badminton Club
- William and Mary Badminton Club
- Williams Badminton
- Wimbledon Squash and Badminton Club
- Krasnodar - website for foreigners living and working in the city of Krasnodar, Russia. Contains information about Restaurants and Hotels, as well as information about Sochi, Russia and Azov City, Russia's new gambling zone.
- Sochi 2014 - Sochi Insider: http://www.sochi-insider.ru/ - Online guide to Sochi, Russia. Sochi 2014 Olympics, Sochi restaurants, Sochi hotels, Sochi pictures, Sochi airport, and Sochi weather.
- Krasnodar Hotels - Comprehensive list of hotels in Krasnodar, Russia.
- Курсы английского языка в Краснодаре - American Center of Krasnodar - http://www.american-center-krasnodar.ru - Курсы английского языка в Краснодаре. образовательный центр английского языка. Индивидуальные занятия и групповые занятия занятия английским с носителем языка. Уроки для детей и взрослых.
- American Center of Sochi - The American Center of Sochi is an American-owned English language support services center located in the heart of Sochi, Russia, the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.
- Курсы английского языка в Сочи - American Center of Sochi: http://www.american-center-sochi.ru/ - Школа английского языка в Сочи. Индивидуальные и групповые занятия английским с носителем языка. Курсы английского языка в Сочи для детей и взрослых. Подготовка к IELTS, TOEFL, City & Guilds, ЕГЭ.
- Sochi Hotels - Comprehensive list of hotels in Sochi, Russia, including Adler and Krasnaya Polyana. Hotels for Sochi 2014.
- Atyrau Hotels - Comprehensive list of hotels in the city of Atyrau, Kazakhtan.
- Krasnodar Expats - website for foreigners living and working in the city of Krasnodar, Russia. Contains information about Restaurants and Hotels, as well as information about Sochi, Russia and Azov City, Russia's new gambling zone.
- Atyrau Expats - Information on oil jobs in Atyrau, Kazakhstan. Also contains information on Atyrau Restaurants and Atyrau Hotels.
- Krasnodar Hotels - Comprehensive list of hotels in Krasnodar, Russia.
- Atyrau Hotels: Hotel "Nomad" - The Hotel "Nomad" is a boutique hotel located on the east bank of the Ural River in the heart of Atyrau, Kazakhstan.
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